Evelina Åström


Evelina Åström

Evelina Åström

Children's, Advice & How To, Business

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    1 February

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    trauma-informed leadership mentor & relationship expert


Evelina Åström is a trauma-informed leadership mentor, relationship expert and author from Sweden specialized in confrontation management for highly-sensitive big-hearted female entrepreneurs.

With over eight years of experience helping people discover their heart’s truth and addressing the root causes of their emotions during confrontations, she has dedicated her life to empower and inspire women globally to stand strong when confronted by transforming the way they manage confrontations. She believes the world needs highly sensitive big-hearted leaders that can change the world, and she’s determined to not let confrontations dim their light.

Her unique approach to managing and preventing confrontations, while embracing their highly sensitivity and kind nature, has helped her clients protect their inner peace and stop being confronted. By helping clients 'decode' their emotions and guiding them to make heart-centered decisions, Evelina empowers them to resolve issues in a way that strengthens them without resorting to defensiveness, ignorance, toughness, or impassiveness. She is here to help us understand the power of managing confrontations differently and the profound impact it can have on many people's lives.

Get Evelina’s FREE Gift ‘3 mistakes many people make when confronted’: https://bit.ly/3P0CPWD

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